The Type One Student: The Serious Hard Worker
Motivation: to be good and correct
Focus: what's wrong (what's not as it should be)
- earnest, self-discipline
- very mature
- uncomfortable being spontaneous, playful, emotional
Learning Style
- attentive in class, take thorough notes
- want to know the rules
- learn in a logical, step by step manner
- meticulous attention to detail
Strong Work Ethic
- plan their studies
- dedicated to work, delay breaks
- great team players when everyone works hard
- Inner Critic points out every mistake
- annoyed when they don't get things right
- exaggerate the importance of small errors
- may become perfectionistic
- feel good when everything is in its place
- lists, schedules, and plans
- prefer classes calling for precision and correctness
- notice when the teacher is off track
- serious, unemotional voice
- clear, to the point, focused on topic
- strong convictions, morality, sometimes preachy
- often say "I should...."
- values hard work, truth, fairness
- everyone is responsible, self-disciplined, conscientious
- rules are fair and reasonable, and consistently enforced
- well organized and work is well planned
The Type Two Student: The People Pleasing MentorMotivation: to be appreciated
Focus: other people and their needs
Strategy: earn appreciation by being kind to others
- relationships and feelings
- class dynamics just as important to learning process as lesson content
- want emotional connection to the lesson
- focus on people and applications
- learn well from role models
- connect with passionate, joyful teachers
Adapting for Approval
- good grades
- volunteering around school
- track teachers' preferences and adapt to each
- may behave very differently in different classes
- mutual support in classroom community
- connect with other students
- group discussions, stories, shared experiences
- may be mentors, form study groups
- signs of affection, smile, eye contact
- make others feel accepted
- personal questions
- generous with compliments
- values thoughtfulness, emotional connection
- group work and discussion
- positive, nurturing atmosphere
- small classroom
- beautifully appointed with a human touch
The Type Three Student: The Star of the ClassMotivation: to be successful
Focus: results and achievementStrategy: to win the esteem of others
- need to be the best
- "unproductive" feelings, close friendships less important than task on hand
- may become role models/ popular leaders
Learning Style
- desire to improve skill and ability
- reduce lesson to key concepts and results
- hands-on, experiential learning
- eager to jump into action
Driven to Excel
- challenge themselves
- work quickly, may cut corners to get done faster
- need to produce and achieve all the time
Reward System
- want to share their accomplishments
- may brag/ show off
- enjoy competition/ contests
Handling Failure
- sensitive to criticism
- keep quiet when not doing well
- turn failure into partial success
- avoid areas in which they know they won't excel
Communication Style
- natural charmers
- positive image
- motivating, can-do attitude
- prefer doing to talking about doing
Ideal Classroom
- values self-improvement, competency
- expectations clearly defined
- visible reward system
- hands-on, applications
The Type Four Student: The Misunderstood CreativeFocus: what's missing
Strategy: withdraw from convention and get people to notice how I'm different
- strong desire to express themselves creatively
- proud of uniqueness
- sometimes self-conscious about being left out
- often seek comfort in daydreams
Learning Style
- need personal, emotional connection to lesson content
- wait until the mood strikes to study
- pour their soul into their work
- very sensitive to criticism (personal rejection)
Creative Personal Touch
- their projects are a work of art
- want their work to be extraordinary (not ordinary)
- may be artistically inclined
- turn boring work into something beautiful
- want special, meaningful experiences
- want each student's uniqueness recognized
- don't want to be compared with others
- emotional, dramatic flair
- personally revealing
- deep philosophical discussion
- focus on meaning, symbolism
Ideal Classroom
- values self-expression, creativity, emotional authenticity
- opportunities to personalize work
- unique ambience with meaningful decor
- outlets to explore creativity and mood
The Type Five Student: The Intellectual OutsiderFocus: what they know and do well
Strategy: withdraw from the world to study it
- prefer spending time on their own
- socially uncomfortable
- prefer to observe instead of participate
Learning Style
- learn best through observation (lecture, books)
- comprehension before participation
- satisfaction with full comprehension of a topic
- analysis, finding patterns, speculation, analysis paralysis
- enjoy time alone
- need time to think
- don't like pressure of close supervision, thinking on their feet
Introversion and Intrusion
- active minds full of ideas and concepts
- feel safe in the mind
- feel clumsy in the outside world
- seek to reduce intrusion of their space
- strong ability to focus
- hate concentration being interrupted
- prefer depth of knowledge to breadth of knowledge
Communication Style
- usually quiet and reserved
- very talkative while discussing topics of great person interest (or mastery)
- factual, unemotional
- think lots before speaking
Ideal Classroom
- values knowledge, originality, curiosity
- topics are explored individually and in depth
- ample quiet time
- intellectual discussions
Motivation: to be supported and secure
Focus: uncertainties, risks, dangers, the unknown
Strategy: seek guidance from those they trust
- sometimes hardworking, responsible, loyal
- sometimes ambivalent, doubting, unreliable
- commitment level depends on how much they trust
- behaviour reacts to trust and anxiety
Learning Style
- questions, questions, questions
- detailed, rational analysis
- prefer structure, framework, justified rules
- good at finding problems or deviations
In Prof We Trust
- initially wary of teachers and their authority
- question inconsistencies, assumptions
- seek to understand teacher's experience, bias, preferences
Certainty and Commitment
- uncertainty breeds anxiety, worry
- want to observe first, get assumptions out of the way before participating
- over-questioning leads to analysis paralysis
- self-doubt leads to procrastination
- gregarious and likeable
- sceptical, cautionary, ask questions, play devil's advocate
- "yes, but", "the problem here is..."
- often nervous speaking in front of others
Ideal Classroom
- values of social support, reliability, responsibility
- atmosphere of trust
- predictable, structured
- questions are welcomed and answered
The Type Seven Student: The CheerleaderFocus: the positive
Strategy: seek happiness/ excitement in the world around them
- pump their positive energy into the classroom
- learning is exploration and novelty
- joking, talkative, entertaining
- learn quickly
- learn by association
- mental exploration and experimentation
- can jump into the middle of things without needing the big picture
- prolific brainstormers
- see connection between ideas
- connections may take them on tangents
- can synthesize disparate ideas together
- enjoy variety
- become distracted when things slow down
- dislike routine, predictability
- keep plans open-ended
- talkative, enthusiastic
- converse in a free association
- nonlinear, go off on tangents
Ideal Classroom
- values enthusiasm, spontaneity, openness
- fast paced, dynamic, interactive
- full of positive energy
- free of constraints and limitations
The Type Eight Student: The Challenger
Motivation: to protect themselves and be in control
Focus: power and justice
Strategy: assert their independence
protect themselves
- protect those too weak to protect themselves
- take charge
- test fairness of the teacher
Learning Style
- independent, minimal supervision
- want to get their hands dirty
- enjoy class discussions, especially debates
- prefer the practical to theory
Rules and Autonomy
- rules are seen a limit to independence
- unfair rules are challenged
- unenforced rules "don't exist"
- push boundaries
- intensity makes Eights feel alive and real
- work with energy while work is challenging
- when bored, tend to look for trouble
The Truth
- uncomfortable accepting new ideas passively
- need to challenge what they learn, seek proof to back it up
- can be change their mind if challenged by a stronger argument
Communication Style
- direct, brutal, honest truth
- state opinion as fact
- hate when they can't add their opinion to class discussions
- precocious with profanity
Ideal Classroom
- authority, confidence, and vision
- high engagement atmosphere of bold action
- vigorous debates
- fair class rules
The Type Nine Student: The Accommodating Companion
Motivation: to be at peace
Focus: other people's point of view
Strategy: deny own wants and opinions to accommodate others
- easy-going, good-natured, well behaved students
- go with the flow
- cooperative, supportive
- optimistic, seek consensus
Learning Style
- immersion
- experiential exercises, physical movement
- repetition
- routine, predictability, structure
Big Picture
- all parts fit together in a harmonious way
- try to relate new information into the big picture
- sometimes hard to know which pieces are important or not
hard to prioritize work, it will get done when it gets done
- low stress, little conflict
- high energy environment can be draining
- may take frequent breaks, tune out