Sunday, 9 September 2012

PGL: Course Description and Exam Procedure

 I.     Topics Covered:
1)    Structure and Function
2)    Four Factor Theory for success
3)    Personality Theories from Enneagram & Other Schools
4)    Applying Enneagram theories of personality to one’s life and work
5)    Animal/Child, Parent, Adult instincts

6)    Personality & Temperament
7)    Personality & Emotions
8)    Emotional Intelligence
9)    Assertiveness Training
10) Understanding and Managing Anger & Anxiety for success/efficacy
11) Meaning and Direction of Natural Energies: anger, anxiety & fear


II.     Exam                 

a)     ASSIGNMENT (Home -15 points)
b)    WRITTEN (Class – 70 points): One hour

 a)     ASSIGNMENT PAPERof 2 pages max (15 points)

i)      Site an experience / incident / a situation in short max 2 paragraphs
ii)    Analyse this from the point of what you have learned in the class: Personalities, emotions,  behaviours, & theories involved
iii)  Tease out as many elements as you can from your learning applying to the example.
iv)   Your comments on how differently the characters should have acted and why
v)    Printed out neatly
(DO NOT try to copy materials from the previous batches or from your classmates.)
b)    WRITTEN EXAM: (70 points)

i)      For one hour
ii)    dealing with materials covered in the class: understanding & application

i)      Regular, punctual, disciplined
ii)    Participate in role plays, answer questions correctly
iii)  Able to summarize the gist of the class next day

Note: On the first day afternoon you will take the following tests. Log on to Click on Enneagram Test. “Click here”. Do all 36 questions. “Score it”. Enter the results on the score sheet given to you. You must bring that sheet along with you for the exam. 


Saturday, 8 September 2012

Eng - 9 Attitudes - PPT

Attitude Enneagram

Eng - Insider Look - All 9 - ppt

Eng Insidelook 1 9

What's Hard Being My Type? All 9 - Ppt

Eng Hard Being 1 9

Enneagram - Introduction

Eng Intro Sjc

Eng - 1 Page Description

Who are you? Quick Eng

Who are you?

Type 1

A perfectionist, driven to do the "right" thing. Often critical of self as well as others, with a strongly developed sense of responsibility. Prone to repressed anger.

Type 2

A helper, needing to be needed. Will go the extra mile to please others at the cost of taking care of self. Gives and is proud of it, but strings are often attached.

Type 3

An achiever, efficient, goal-driven and focused on being a "winner." Concern with appearances-style over substance-can crowd out friends, family and self-awareness.

Type 4

An individualist, craving self-expression and emotional depth. Sensitive to beauty and meaning, but prone to melancholy, feelings of inadequacy, and envy.

Type 5

An observer, perceptive and capable of synthesizing information in new ways. Protective of privacy and personal resources and prone to emotional detachment.

Type 6

A team-player-or a rebel-vigilant for threats from the environment. Loyal and engaging, but full of contradictions which create self-doubt and indecisiveness.

Type 7

An enthusiast with a perpetual surplus of plans and ideas, eager for experiences and/or material goods. Habitual optimism may cover a fear of boredom and pain.

Type 8

A leader, driven to control self and environment, capable of both domination and protectiveness. Vulnerabilities and a tender heart are hidden beneath a tough exterior.

Type 9

A peacemaker, good at seeing all points of view and easily distracted from personal needs and priorities. Avoids direct confrontation but can be passive and immovable.


Enneagram Detailed Descriptions:



Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Enneagram Explanations- All-Js Personality

Short Explanations on Sub-types, Wings, arrows and Jesus Personlity corresponding to each Number. Click on your Number Link:

ONE  ;  TWO  ;  THREE  ;  FOUR  ;  FIVE


Enneagram - 9 Numbers - GIFTS & FLAWS

Enneagram: one


If you are ONE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:
J Idealistic                 J Principled               J Orderly

J Diligent                  J Honest                    J Conscientious

J Fair                         J Dependable             J Ehical

 However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L  Uptight                  L  Critical                  L  Impatient

L  Judgmental            L  Inflexible               L  Controlling

L  Moralistic              L  Puritanical             L  Dogmatic

As a Perfectionist you strive so hard to make everything and everyone as good as possible that you have become deeply angry at any imperfection. But you are so oblivious to your anger that you deny how controlling and destructive it is. 

Enneagram: TWO


In General

 If you are TWO, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

Caring                   Considerate           Generous

Sympathetic          Supportive             Self-Sacrificing

Helpful                  Adaptable              Loving


However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L Dependent              LNeedy                     L Possessive

L Flattering                L  Interfering             LManipulative

L  Hysterical              L  Seductive               L Self-Important

 As a Helperyou strive so hard to attend to other people's needs that you neglect your own and even pride yourself in having none. But you are so oblivious to your pride that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: THREE

In General

If you are a THREE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

☺ Adaptable              ☺ Energetic               ☺ Self‑Confident

☺ Outgoing                ☺ Efficient                 ☺ Pragmatic

☺ Industrious             ☺ Optimistic              ☺ Goal‑Oriented

However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L Devious        L Vain                L Image-Conscious                  

L Pretentious        LCalculating              L Manipulative           

L Misleading              L Narcissistic             L Callous

 As an Achiever you are so competitive and image‑conscious that you are prepared to deceive others in order to win or promote yourself. But you are so oblivious to your deceit that you deny how controlling and destructive it is. 

Enneagram: four

In General 

If you area FOUR, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

Intuitive                 Creative                 Sensitive

Expressive             Cultured                 Stylish

Original                 Artistic                   Empathic

However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

LMoody                     L Possessive               L Self‑Conscious

L Obstinate                L Critical                   L Spiteful

L Hypersensitive        L Depressive              L Masochistic

 As an Artist you strive so hard for originality and uniqueness that you become envious of other people's gifts and abilities. But you are so oblivious to your envy that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: FIVE

In General

If you are a FIVE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

Observant                        Perceptive              Reflective

Self‑Contained                  Analytical              Detached

Wise                                   Objective               Sensitive

 However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:


L Withdrawn                          L Cerebral                  L Stingy

L Arrogant                             L Superior                  L Remote

L Non‑Assertive                 L Unfeeling                LUninvolved

As an Observer you strive so hard for meaningful information that, when you get it, you hoard it rather than part with it. But you are so oblivious to your avarice that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: SIX


If you  are a SIX, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

J Loyal                      J Dutiful                    J Hospitable

J Caring                     J Idealistic                 J Prudent

J Respectful              JTrustworthy             J Courageous

 However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L Fearful                   L Timid                      L Suspicious

L Indecisive              L Defensive               L Anxious

         L Authoritarian         L Aggressive              L Paranoid

As a Supporter you strive so hard to belong that you become fearful of not honoring your commitments. But you are so oblivious to your fear that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: SEVEN


If you are a SEVEN, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

J Optimistic       J Fun‑Loving                         J Gregarious
JCreative            J Joyful                                  J Childlike
J Imaginative     J Adventurous                       J Resilient

However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L Escapist                  L Distracted                           L Superficial
L Unreliable               L Hedonistic                          L Undisciplined
L Narcissistic             L Addictive                            L Manic

As an Optimist you strive so hard to be happy and avoid pain that you become addicted to pleasure‑seeking. But you are so oblivious to your gluttony that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: EIGHT


If you an EIGHT, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

J Resourceful            J Earthy                     JSelf‑Confident
J Energetic                J Direct                      J Fearless
J Just                         J Powerful                 J Passionate

However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:

L Aggressive              L Domineering          L Insensitive

L Possessive               L Confrontational      L Controlling

L Intimidating            L Vindictive               L Punitive

As a Leader you strive so hard to control and experience life to the full that your passion becomes overwhelming. But you are so oblivious to your list that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Enneagram: NINE

If you are a NINE, you are gifted in many ways. In particular, you are:

J Peaceful                  J Calm           J Accommodating

J Unpretentious         J Reassuring J Tolerant

J Gentle                     J Patient        J Imperturbable

However, like everyone else, you have your flaws. For example, you can be:
L Indolent                  L Forgetful     L Indecisive

L Apathetic                L Oblivious    L Obstinate

LObsessive                 L Addictive    L Nihilistic

 As a Mediator you strive so hard to avoid conflict that you become unassertive and self‑forgetful. But you are so oblivious to your sloth that you deny how controlling and destructive it is.

Work-Life- Balance